
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Vision Series - Week Four - Missional Communities
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Tuesday Oct 04, 2016
Now that we understand our new identity as a family of missionary disciples, our dream is to live out these identities in smaller communities of people all throughout the week. But why do we call them missional communities, and how do they actually work?

Monday Sep 26, 2016
Vision Series - Week Three - Disciples
Monday Sep 26, 2016
Monday Sep 26, 2016
We are a family of missionary disciples. But what does it mean to be a "disciple"? What was the meaning of discipleship in the first century, and what should it mean to us today?

Monday Sep 19, 2016
Vision Series - Week Two - Missionaries
Monday Sep 19, 2016
Monday Sep 19, 2016
We are a family of missionary disciples who live to see God's will done in Spokane as it is in heaven. But what does it mean to missionaries, and where does missional living fit into the narrative arc of Scripture?

Tuesday Sep 13, 2016
Vision Series - Week One - Family
Tuesday Sep 13, 2016
Tuesday Sep 13, 2016