
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Monday Feb 27, 2017
Jesus makes striking comments on marraige and divorce, but not in a vacuum. His teachings sit within the context of God's original design for marraige, and the debate that was taking place in first century Israel. But what is God's heart for marriage and divorce, and how does the grace of God both confront our culture and comfort us in our circumstances?

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017

Wednesday Feb 15, 2017

Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
GO 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
In Matthew 28 Jesus calls his disciples to go into the world and make more diciples. This call, known as the Great Commission, is lived out both here and abroad. Join us as we share opportunities to go abroad for the sake of the Gospel with River's Edge in 2017.

Monday Feb 06, 2017
Fulfilling the Law
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
As Jesus announces the arrival of the Kingdom of God, his audience is understably curious as to how this new Kingdom and new way of life relates to the revelation of God throughout history, and the national and religious life that has already been established in Isreal. Jesus statements on this topic both affirm and confront their current understanding of righteousness and God's revelation in history.

Monday Jan 30, 2017
Salt and Light
Monday Jan 30, 2017
Monday Jan 30, 2017
As Jesus teaches his disciples about life in the in-breaking Kingdom of God, he unveils two powerful metaphors that demonstrate who they are and how they are to function in the world. But what do salt and light tell us about our role in God's comsmic avitivity, and how should they shape the way we view discipleship to Jesus?

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
The Beautitudes
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
The Sermon on the Mount may be the most influential teaching in the history of the world, and it begins with a simple and provocative statement about who is blessed as the Kingdom of Heaven invades this world. But what did Jesus mean by these words and how are we to live in light of them?

Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Give 2017
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
In Pray, Give, Go we look back on 2016 and dream about 2017 as a church, through the lens of three simple actions we called to take as followers of Jesus. In GIVE take a brief look at what giving looked like in the Old and New Testaments, and then we examine what giving looked like in 2016 at River's Edge, as well as our dream for the giving of time, talent, and resources in 2017.

Friday Jan 06, 2017
Pray 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
Friday Jan 06, 2017
In Pray, Give, Go, we look back on 2016 and dream about what God wants to do in and through our community in 2017. Join as we pray for the global Church, the church of Spokane, and one another. This podcast also includes the full-length announcement regarding our change in time and location.

Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Jesus Baptism and Testing
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
Thursday Dec 29, 2016
As Jesus is baptized by John in the Jordan, God speaks words of identity, love, and affirmation over his ilfe as he is annointed with the Holy Spirit. But then the Spirit leads him into the wilderness to be tested by the enemy. What is this testing all about and why did Jesus pass on this story?