Sunday Jun 04, 2017
The Wise and Foolish Builders
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
Sunday Jun 04, 2017
As Jesus ends his sermon, he gives one final exhortation about the importance of the words he has just spoken. How do we respond wisely to his words and in what ways do we commonly err?
Wednesday May 17, 2017
The Hell Debate
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
As Jesus nears the end of his sermon, he issues a warning to his disciples about where reality is headed and the fact that there will be judgment for those in rebellion against God. But what is the nature of the reality Jesus speaks of? Join us as we discuss two different theological positions regarding the nature of hell and judgment.
Sunday May 07, 2017
Sunday May 07, 2017
Sunday May 07, 2017
As Jesus teaches his disciples about life in the in-breaking Kingdom of Heaven, he warns them to avoid the empty righteousness of "the Scribe and Pharisee" - where good deeds are done for the purpose of being seen by others. This Jesus says, is hypocrisy. But what does Jesus mean by hypocrisy, how does it show up in modern day America, and what solution is Jesus proposing?
Thursday May 04, 2017
Do Not Judge
Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
As Jesus reaches the end of his sermon, he wants his disciples about several traps which threaten to smother the work of the Kingdom in their lives. This week we examine the call of Jesus to refrain from judging others. But what exactly is Jesus asking us to do and how do we move forward in a culture of relativism while holding deep convictions of universal truth?
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Worry and Anxiety
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
As Jesus draws near the end of his sermon, he gives his disciples a profound and simple directive for Kingdom living: "do not worry." In doing so Jesus sums up in a sentence what might take us a lifetime to master. In our anxiety-ridden culture, how do understand and enter into the invitation of Jesus to live a life without worry?
Monday Apr 03, 2017
God and Money
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
As Jesus sets out to teach his disciples about life in the in-breaking Kingdom, he alerts them to several idols that will threaten to derail them along the way. Love of money is cheif among them. He sums up his views on the subject with crystal clarity: "you cannot serve both God and money," but what are the implications for everyday living?
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Eye for an Eye
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
As Jesus announces the new availability of the Kingdom of God, he sets out to teach his disciples how to operate in it. When it comes to personal injury and insult he tells his followers simply to "turn the other cheek" rather than taking up violent resistence. But how does this play out in everyday life? And should we really expect it to be effective in overcoming evil?
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
In Jesus day it was common for people to swear oaths to one another, and common to invoke high and holy things in order to demonstrate the gravity of your oath. But Jesus tells his followers to throw out the entire practice altogether, forcing us to ask, what lies at the heart of swearing by God, and why is it antithetical to the Kingdom?