Sunday May 20, 2018
Matthew Series - The Transfiguration
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
The disciples are beginning to figure out Jesus nature and identity, but they have yet to see that nature, until now. Peter, James, and John join Jesus on the mountaintop, where is transfigured before them and they get to see his glory. This has profound implications involving Jesus' identity and God's veiled glory, but it has important implications for our discipleship as well.
Monday May 14, 2018
Matthew Series - The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
As the debate rages on about who Jesus is what he's come to do, Peter finally gets it right - Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. As Peter discovers Jesus' true identity, Jesus reveals Peter's true identity in return. But just as significantly, Jesus sets out to explain to his disciples what type of Messiah he will be, and who they are to be in response.
Monday May 07, 2018
Matthew Series - The Yeast of the Pharisees
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
As Jesus continues in his ministry, he is again confronted by the Pharisees and the Saducees, who are working in concert to take him down. In response Jesus denies their request for a miraculous sign and then leaves the regoin. As they depart, Jesus teaches his disciples a profound point regarding cultural influence that is as releveant for our discipleship today as it has ever been.
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Matthew Series -The Canaanite Woman
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
As Jesus continues into Gentile territory, a local woman comes to him in need. Jesus' first response is to reject her request and ignore her completely, and when she persists he explains that it's not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs. But what does Jesus mean by these actions and how do they help clarify his mission? And just as puzzling: why, ultimately, does he agree to her request? What does this act (and the miraculous feeding that follows) indicate about the future of the Jesus movement?
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Matthew Series - That Which Defiles
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
As Jesus continues in his ministry, he is approached by Pharisees who challenge the practices of his disciples. His disciples don't ritually wash themselves before eating, this breaks the tradition of the elders, and they want answers. But Jesus' response reveals not only the error of their thinking, but speaks volumes about true defilement and true cleansing.
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Matthew Series - Walking on Water
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
After feeding the 5,000, the crowds want to make Jesus king by force, but instead he dismisses them and goes up to a mountain to pray. The disciples are sent across the Sea of Galilee by boat, but what they encounter there in the pre-dawn darkness is beyond anything the crowds will experience.
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Matthew Series - Blessing, Mourning, and Feeding the 5,000
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
As Jesus continues his ministry in the midst of tension, he receives devastating news: his cousin John the Baptist has been executed. Jesus is forced to flee the region, and withdraws to a lonely place of safety and mourning. Join as we hear from Come Nziberaga of Burundi on how God meets us in these desert places and develops us in seasons of difficulty.
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Resurrection Sunday 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
On the Friday of the Passover Festival, Jesus was crucified in public. He died for the sins of the world, but this wasn't obvious to the original audience. They went home to mourn the death of their leader and friend. The next day was the Sabbath Day, and no work was to be done, but on the third day the women went to dress the body of Jesus, and what they found shocked the world.
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Resurrection Discipleship
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
We've talked about how the resurrection of Jesus shapes our future hope for the age to come, and how it should shape our life as a community of justice and beauty, but what difference does the resurrection make in the life of an individual disciple? If God has started his renewal project in advance of the end of the age, where does my life fit into the picture?
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Resurrection Community - Justice and Beauty
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Many of us are surprised to find that the future Christian hope is actually not of a disembodied heaven, but rather of a very physical place called the "new heavens and the new earth." The resurrection of Jesus points powerfully toward this future reality, but what difference does it make for the hear and now? How should our life as a community be different in light of the resurrection of Jesus and the future that is to come?