Monday Nov 02, 2020
Witness - Relativism
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
One of the obstacles to witnessing in our culture is relativism, which says that your truth is your truth, and no one should challenge another in their worldview or religious beliefs. And yet that is exactly what the early church did, and what we're called to do as well.
Monday Oct 26, 2020
iGen Seminar
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
As we dream about a move of God in our nation, we want to know and understand our time, place, and culture (as any missionary would). Join us as we unpack some of the date on "iGen" (those born 1995-2012) and begin dreaming and praying about what Jesus wants to do in the lives of the emerging generation.
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Witness - Freedom and Slavery
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
We live in a culture of slaves that tell us they are free, and we exist as a community of freedom which the world thinks is slavery.
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Witness - Political Captives
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
The apostle Paul writes to the church, warning them not to be taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition rather than on Christ. But one of the great pitfalls of the cultural moment we're living in is that the church often is taken captive by political narratives, at the risk of compromising Kingdom vision.
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Witness - What is Post-Christian culture?
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
The second movement of the series is all about studying the culture itself - seeking to understand the time and place we live, as any missionary would. And we want to start by asking a simple question: what is Post-Christian culture?
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Witness - Gifts of the Spirit
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Life in the Spirit is central to effective witness, and so are the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit. Our dream is to be a church both grounded in the Word and flooded with the Spirit, for the glory of God in the world.
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Witness - the Spirit
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
The odds of the disciples winning the ancient world were slim to none. All the odds were stacked against them. They were stifled by doubt and fear, but the risen Jesus told "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses." What's the relationship between the Holy Spirit and witnessing? And how should the Spirit factor into our witness today?
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Witness - Truth
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Our culture is entering a growing truth crisis. We aren't sure what is true and what is false, who to trust and who not to trust, and it's in this context that we are called to stand on the truth God has revealed to us, and speak truth to power. This is the very definition of a witness.
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Witness - Community
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
The early church was full of the Spirit and on fire for God, but they reached, touched, and transformed the Roman Empire through one of God's most radical ideas: community. In order to reach, touch, and transform our own culture, which is being powerfully shaped by individualism, we need to recapture the biblical vision for community.
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Witness - A Praying Remnant
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
There is a cultural myth that says that Christianity is in inevitable decline and has been for 500 years. In reality, history speaks of boom and bust cycles, or waves that rise and fall. As the tide rolls out on faith in the Western world, the remnant that's left is intended to cry God for another wave; nothing short of the revival and renewal of the Western world.